About the project
Viral hepatitis is a significant health problem in Romania, our country being one of the countries in the European Union with the highest rates of population infection. However, in order to prevent new infections and treat the active ones in the population, a national testing program is needed, which should pay particular attention to vulnerable categories that are over-represented among the infected or prone to viral hepatitis infections.
In order to prepare the wat for a large testing project, logistically speaking, it is necessary to train a number of healthcare professionals and familiarize them with the testing process. The Live(Ro) 1 Program – The training of Romanian healthcare professionals for the populational screening of chronic hepatitis B / C / D infections aims to complete this initial training of staff, and help any subsequent projects through this human resource pool.
The project is funded by the POCU / 308/4/9 / call: Increasing the number of perosns who benefit from health programs and services aimed at prevention, early detection (screening), diagnosis and early treatment for major pathologies.
The implementation in Romania of integrated screening projects in viral hepatitis meant to improve patients' access to medical services is a national priority, being in full agreement with the provisions of the National Strategy on Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction 2015-2020, where Chapter 2.5 Health states in expressly “The objective of the Government is to ensure the access of poor or vulnerable groups to good quality health services”. One should also take into account that poor or vulnerable populations are at increased risk of disease and premature death compared to the rest of the population. Poverty creates poor health through various social factors (poor or unhealthy diet, lack of decent living conditions, lack of access to water, poor hygiene) and increases the risk of spreading viral hepatitis infections. The same strategy mentions that there is an urgent need for innovative interventions developed according to the prevalent risk factors faced by vulnerable or poor groups in order to reduce the rate of chronic diseases among these populations.
The Romanian Government's strategy states that "such interventions along with health information, education and promotion campaigns must be developed, implemented, monitored and evaluated within each national public health program for chronic diseases."
The activities dedicated to creating the methodological framework for screening and training of specialists through this project directly support "Specific Objective 2.5 Reducing the incidence of priority communicable diseases: hepatitis B and C and ensuring patients' access to antiviral treatments" of the National Health Strategy 2014-2020.

The number of General Practitioners enrolled in the screening process
The number of patients tested and registered in the SEES app
The number of patients who accessed specialised healthcare services
July 2018
Launch of the Live(Ro) 1 Program – The training of Romanian healthcare professionals for the populational screening of chronic hepatitis B / C / D infectionsMarch 2020
The SEES (Electronic Screening System for Viral Hepatitis B / C / D /) App is finalized.June 2020
The Screening training program for healthcare professionals is finalized.August 2020
Two more projects are launched:- IID 136208: "LIVE (RO) 2-SUD: Regional Program for the Prevention, Screening and Diagnosis of Patients with Chronic Liver Disease Secondary to Viral Infections with B / D and C Liver Viruses"
- ID 136209: "Integrated regional program for the prevention, early detection (screening), diagnosis and referral to treatment of patients with chronic liver disease secondary to viral infections with hepatitis B / D and C viruses in the North-East and South-East regions - LIVE ( RO) 2 - EST "
Date no. 6
First tested patientDate no 7
Nth patient tested