Press Release – Healthcare Professional Training

Live(Ro) 1– The training of Romanian healthcare professionals for the populational screening of chronic hepatitis B / C / D infections

Training of healthcare professionals for the purpose of improving the monitoring of chronic diseases

May 20, 2020
In the current context, one in which the entire medical system has been resized and organized so that it can better manage the Covid 19 pandemic, as well as the large number of infected people predicted to soon come as part of new waves, we see the fate of the chronically ill discussed more and emphasis placed on the imminent deterioration of their health

Chronic diseases are conditions with an evolution of over 3 months, that can have noticeable effects on the daily life of the individual and which do not enter remission spontaneously or with treatment, or do not heal completely, remaining in some intermediary stage for a long time and requiring ongoing treatment and supervision. Viral hepatitis, be it B, C or D, can be both acute or chronic. Chronic hepatitis requires constant monitoring.

At the general practitioner‘s office, the main purpose of chronic disease monitoring is to establish the evolution of the disease, monitoring the occurrence of complications, ensuring compliance with treatment and quantifying its effects.

Thus, it is necessary to establish a specific monitoring program according to significant parameters to be followed in time for the most accurate assessment of the evolution of the disease, of the appearance of complications or even of the amelioration of the respective condition.

In this regard, to give GPs the opportunity to improve in the monitoring of hepatitis in general, as well as chronic viral hepatitis B, C and D in particular, several courses have been organized as part of the the ” Live(Ro) 1– The training of Romanian healthcare professionals for the populational screening of chronic hepatitis B / C / D infections ” project, covering the following topics:

Theoretical module

  • Epidemiological questionnaires – how to administer and interpret them;
  • Clinical case presentations – with interactive discussions and practical approach to cases, ways to administer different types of antiviral medications and interactions between drugs that need to be known and verified;
  • Screening for chronic viral hepatitis B, C, D
  • Key elements for monitoring the patient with liver pain

The practical module

  • Ultrasonographic evaluation techniques (mode B, Doppler, with contrast);
  • Non – invasive assessment techniques for patients with chronic hepatitis (real time elastography, shear-wave elastography, transient and CAP enabled elastography for steatosis);
  • Rapid testing techniques (using rapid diagnostic tests for viral hepatitis B and C)
  • ICT applications for the implementation and use of the Electronic Record Screening System (SEES)

Through the ” Live(Ro) 1– The training of Romanian healthcare professionals for the populational screening of chronic hepatitis B / C / D infections ” project, with the Fundeni Clinical Institute as main beneficiary, and the Grigore T Popa University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Iași and the National Institute of Public Health as partners 330 specialists, GPs from all 8 development regions are trained in providing medical services in the field of prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis. Out of a total of 330 specialists, 33 are from the region Bucharest-Ilfov and 297 from the other development regions, respectively North-East, South-East, SouthMuntenia, Suv-West Oltenia, West, North-West and Center. So far training seminars attended by 314 family physicians have been organized. The courses are accredited by the Romanian College of Physicians, and the seminars are held by lecturers with notable experience in gastroenterology and internal medicine, university teachers and / or with research activity in the field.

The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020