Press Release – Live(Ro) 1 Stage

December 2019
Project implementation stage -medical training activities-

„ Live(Ro) 1– The training of Romanian healthcare professionals for the populational screening of chronic hepatitis B / C / D infections”, SMIS: 120640

Starting with 07/27/2018, the FUNDENI CLINICAL INSTITUTE has been implementing The „ Live(Ro) 1– The training of Romanian healthcare professionals for the populational screening of chronic hepatitis B / C / D infections” project, SMIS: 120 640.

The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Program , Priority Axis 4: Social Inclusion and Combating Poverty, Operation: Increasing the number of people who benefit from health programs and prevention-oriented services, early detection (screening), early diagnosis and treatment for the main pathologies, call code POCU / 91/4/9. Partner institutions:


Implementation period: 64 months

Project objective:
The GENERAL OBJECTIVE proposed by the project is to optimize patients’ access to quality medical services by improving the level of medical training dedicated to the detection, transmission for staging and treatment of patients with chronic liver diseases caused by hepatitis B / D / C viruses, for specialists operating in public medical institutions or under contract with CNAS from all regions of Romania (South, South-East, South-West, North-East, Center, West, North-West and Bucharest-Ilfov).

Project budget:
The total value of the project: 23,143,264.60 lei
Non-reimbursable financing: 22,283,578.84 lei
(96.2854% of the approved eligible value)
Own contribution: 859,685.76 lei
(3.7146% of the approved eligible value)

Target group:
The target group of the project consists of a total of 330 specialists supplying medical services in the field of prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis, selected as follows:

  1. 297 specialists from less developed regions (North-East, North-West, West, South-West Oltenia, Center, South-East and South-Muntenia), representing 90% of the total group
  2. 33 specialists from the Bucharest-Ilfov more developed region, representing 10% of total target group.

The main activities that directly involve the members of the target group are:

  • A1.4-National analysis of data obtained from screening through specific statistical methods and preparation of reports, studies, information packs with results and public policy proposals in the field of chronic infections with hepatitis B / D and C viruses;
  • A2.2-Carrying out the training program for the professionals involved in prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis B / D and C;
  • A3.1-Activities of information, education, awareness of the target group, beneficiary of prevention services,

Stage of implementation of medical staff training activities (A2.2). The actual medical training activity is organized and performed by two of the the 3 partner institutions in the project. Thus, the training program was focused on the “Grigore T Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iași, as a partner of the LIVE (RO) 1 project – Training of Romanian healthcare professionals for the populational screening of chronic infections with B / C / D hepatitic viruses, SMIS 120640. The courses organized as part of Activity 2.2 had as beneficiaries 163 doctors from North-East, North-West, Center and South-East development regions –

Carrying out the training program for professionals involved in prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis B / C / D. The 163 participants were evaluated for certification and received 10 E.M.C. credits according to the accreditation of the Romanian College of Physicians. The training program took place between May and September 2019, for 7 sessions

The Fundeni Clinical Institute had responsibilities in organizing and carrying out medical training activities for healthcare professionals specialized in the provision of medical services in the field of prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis in the development regions of Bucharest – Ilfov, South – Muntenia, South – West Oltenia and West. The didactic activities organized by the Fundeni Clinical Institute started with the event organized in Bucharest, at the Center of Excellence in Translational Medicine , between October 10 and 11, 2019.

The target group was represented by 25 GPs from the Bucharest – Ilfov region. The participants took part in the training program for the project, were tested for evaluation and received certificates for 10 E.M.C. The training program continued with the events organized in Sinaia on the 6 – 7 December 2019. The number of family medical participants was thus increased with 38 persons trained and certified according to the provisions of the financing application of the project and with accreditation from the Romanian College of Physicians. Following events in Sinaia, the geographical coverage of the target audience was expanded in the South – Muntenia region.

For the next period, training activities are planned for GPs from the South – West region (Craiova, January 17-18, 2020).
Project co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020