Press Release – Live(Ro) 2 East

October 2020


“Integrated Regional Prevention Program, for early detection (screening), diagnosis and Referral to treatment of patients with chronic liver disease secondary to B / D and C viral infections in the Northeast and Southeast – LIVE (RO) 2 – EST ”POCU / 755/4/9/136209

„Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iași, as The main beneficiary, shall implement, between the 11.08.2020 and the 29.12.2023 the „Integrated regional program for prevention, early detection (screening), diagnosis and referral to treatment of patients with chronic liver disease secondary to viral infections with hepatitis B / D and C viruses in the Northeast and Southeast – LIVE (RO) 2 – EST ”, SMIS code: 136209, based on the financing agreement POCU / 755/4/9/136209.

The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Operational Human Capital Program, Priority Axis 4: Social Inclusion and Combating Poverty, Investment Priority 9.iv: Increasing access to accessible services, sustainable and high quality, including health care and social services of interest general, Call for projects: POCU / 755/4/9.

The project will be implemented by the „Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iași, in partnership with the Romanian Anti-AIDS Association – A.R.A.S. and with the „St. Spiridon ” county Emergency Clinical Hospital in Iași. The general objective of the project is the provision of medical services, prevention, early detection (screening), diagnosis and referral to treatment of patients with chronic liver disease secondary to viral infections with hepatitis B / D and C viruses in the North-East and South-East development regions, respectively from the counties of Bacău (BC), Botoşani (BT), Iaşi (IS), Neamţ (NT), Suceava (SV), Vaslui (VS), Brăila (BR), Buzău (BZ), Constanţa (CT), Galaţi (GL), Tulcea (TL) and Vrancea (VN).

Expected results: 120,000 people will benefit from screening programs

The target group of the project consists of 120,000 beneficiaries of screening programs (of which 72,000 people belonging to vulnerable groups and 36,000 people in rural areas), who cumulatively meet the following conditions:

  1. They are over 18 years of age;
  2. They reside in one of the counties of Bacău (BC), Botoşani (BT), Iaşi (IS), Neamţ (NT), Suceava (SV), Vaslui (VS), Brăila (BR), Buzău (BZ), Constanţa (CT), Galaţi (GL), Tulcea (TL) and Vrancea (VN).
  3. They are not pregnant nor incarcerated.

The National Institute of Public Health will support this regional screening project by collecting the database with the beneficiary population and by analysing the data obtained from screening by specific statistical methods, while issuing reports, studies and information, useful for future health policies in this domain.

The total budget of the project is 52,397,520.56, of which 51,661,021.53 non-reimbursable financing and 736,499.03 the amount of eligible co-financing of the beneficiary.

„LIVE (RO) 2 – EST Integrated regional prevention program, early detection (screening), diagnosis and referral to treatment of patients with liver disease secondary to viral infections with hepatitis B / D and C viruses in the North-East and South-East regions ” is the second phase of the “Live(Ro) 1– The training of Romanian healthcare professionals for the populational screening of chronic hepatitis B / C / D infections, POCU / 308/4/9/120640 ” project, also implemented by the “Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy from Iași, through which 349 general practitioners were trained for providing services in the field of prevention, early detection, diagnosis and treatment of viral hepatitis.

The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Operational Program 2014-2020

„Grigore T. Popa” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Iaşi
University str. no. 16, 700115, Iasi, Romania

Project manager,
Prof. Dr. Anca Victoriţa TRIFAN
